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Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2022

Python certification has become one of the most in-demand skills that boost the value of your resume, due to its rising popularity. We are giving you the often requested python interview questions in this article. Let’s look at it.

Q.1 Please explain the key features of Python.

Answer: Here are some key features of the Python language:

  • Python is an interpreted language. That means that Python does not need to be compiled before it is run.
  • Python is dynamically typed.
  • Python is very well suited to object-orientated programming.
  • In Python, functions and classes are first-class objects.
  • Python is used in web applications, automation, big data applications and many more.

Q.2 Describe Python Language


Python is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented scripting language. Designed to be highly readable, Python emphasizes its easy-to-learn syntax. Frequently using English keywords, it stands out for its readability.

Q3. What type of language is Python?


Python is considered as a general-purpose programming language. It is capable of scripting too.

Q4. How is Python an interpreted language?


In an interpreted language, code is not in the machine level before runtime. Hence, Python is an interpreted language.

Q5. Define namespace


A namespace is a naming system for making names unique to evade naming conflicts.

Q6. What is the definition of PYTHONPATH?


It has a role similar to PATH. The PYTHONPATH tells the interpreter where to locate the module files imported into a program. In most cases, these are not required as Python knows the location of its standard library.

Q7. What do you understand by python modules? What are some built-in modules in python?


Python modules are used to make code easier. These are files containing Python code and can be functions, classes, or variables. Some of the built-in python modules are math and random JSON.

Q8. Explain global and local variables.


Global Variables refer to variables declared in the global space or outside a function, while local variables are declared inside a function.

Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2021

When you try to access the local variable outside the function add(), it will show you an error.

Q9.  Is python case sensitive?


Yes, Python is a case sensitive language. To learn more about Python go to python training in Pune.

Q10.  What are functions in Python?


We define a function as a set of code that executes and produces output. Using functions improves code readability. Reusing functions saves time.

Q11. What does the environment variable PYTHONSTARTUP do?


PYTHONSTARTUP contains the location of the path to a python file. In other words, it initializes the file containing Python source code. This python script is executed every time you start the interpreter.

Q12. Why was PYTHONCASEOK environment variable introduced?


The PYTHONCASEOK is used to enable finding module files which are case- insensitive or behave in a case-insensitive manner. It supports code written for case-insensitive filesystems.

Q13. List the supported data types in python.


Python has five standard data types – Numbers, String, List, Dictionary and Tuple.

Q14. What will be the output of print str if str = ‘Welcome to Ethans Tech!’?


It will print the complete string. Output would be Welcome to Ethans Tech!

Q15. What is the output of print str[0] if str = ‘Ethans Tech!’?


It will print only the first character of the string. Output would be E.

Q16. What is the output of print str[2:5] if str = ‘Ethans Tech!’?


Output would be a concatenated string Ethans Tech!PYTHON.

Q17. What is the output of print str + “PYTHON” if str = ‘Ethans Tech!’?


It will print characters starting from 3rd to 5th and hence the output would be han.

Q18. What are python decorators?


In Python, decorators are a really helpful tools. Decorators let programmers change a function’s or a class’s behaviour. Programmers can simply expand the behaviour of a wrapped function by using decorators to wrap another function in Python syntax without making any long-term changes to it.

Q19. What are tuples in Python?


A tuple is a sequence data type similar to the list, consisting of values separated by commas and enclosed within parentheses. Tuple is immutable unlike lists. For example:

Fruit Tuple:

(‘banana’, ‘cherry’, ‘apple’)

Q20. How are tuples and lists different from each other?


Square brackets ( [ ] ) enclose lists, allowing for the alteration of elements and size. Conversely, you enclose tuples in parentheses (( ))., remain immutable and cannot be changed. For further details, refer to the EthansTech Python course in Pune.

Q21. Explain Lambda function with an example.

Answer:An anonymous function with any number of parameters but just one statement is called lambda function. Example of the lambda function :

Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2021

Output: 6

Q22. What do you understand by self in python?


After creating a class in Python, we need to access its attributes and methods. In Python, programmers explicitly include the word self as the first parameter of methods.

Q23. What do you mean by dictionaries in python?


A dictionary is a collection of items that are changeable, unordered, and indexed. Writers use curly brackets to compose dictionaries, which comprise keys and values. To create an empty dictionary, simply use a pair of braces without any items.

Q24. How can we get all the keys from the dictionary?


Using dictionary.keys() function allows programmers to get all the keys from the dictionary object.

Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2021

Q25. How would you convert a string to a frozen set in python?


The `frozenset(s)` function converts a string to a frozen set.

If you want to learn Python and gain expertise, check out our interactive, live-online Python classes in Pune. The training comes with 24*7 support to help you guide throughout your learning period. We at EthansTech wish you good luck for your future endeavor.

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