Advanced Certification Program in Data Analytics

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Advanced Certification in Data Analytics

Join our Advanced Data Analytics course, offered in collaboration with IIT Guwahati. This comprehensive program covers essential tools and technologies such as Python, Tableau, Alteryx, Power BI, plotting techniques, Microsoft Excel, SQL, and R programming. Enhance your data analytics skills with expert guidance from Ethan’s & IIT Guwahati faculty. With our course, you’ll gain the expertise to handle real-world business situations using a variety of data analytics tools. Join our Advanced Certification in Data Analytics today and kickstart your journey to becoming a proficient data analyst.

Student workload: 700 Hours | Duration: 6 months | Training Mode: Classroom 

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About the course

E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati advanced certification in Data Analytics

What is Data Analytics all about?

Data analytics is the process of examining, transforming, and interpreting data to discover useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making. It involves various techniques and tools to clean, process, and analyze data sets, often with the goal of identifying patterns, trends, and relationships that can inform business strategies and operations.

Key aspects of data analytics include:

  • Data Collection: Gathering relevant data from various sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and online platforms.
  • Data Cleaning: Ensuring the data is accurate, consistent, and free of errors or duplicates.
  • Data Processing: Organizing and structuring the data in a way that makes it suitable for analysis.
  • Data Analysis: Applying statistical and computational methods to explore the data, identify patterns, and generate insights.
  • Data Visualization: Presenting the analyzed data in visual formats like charts, graphs, and dashboards to make the insights easily understandable.
  • Interpretation and Decision-Making: Using the insights gained from the data analysis to make informed decisions and take action.
    Data analytics can be applied in various fields, including business, healthcare, finance, marketing, and more, to improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation.

Which are the different types of Data Analytics?

Data Analytics majorly have 4 verticals, which are

  1. Descriptive Analytics: It helps the organizations or developers answer the various questions regarding the happenings or the situations
  2. Diagnostic Analytics: It helps the developers and the organizations to understand why the situation occurred or why it happened.
  3. Predictive Analytics: It helps organizations understand the trend and predict what will happen in the future.
  4. Prescriptive Analytics: It helps the organizations know what steps should be taken to the situations and happenings which might occur in the future.

Why choose Ethans Tech for Data Analytics Course?

Hands-on Exposure by the Industrial Experts: Data Analytics course at Ethans Tech is being designed by industry experts from numerous MNCs. After a long series of Brainstorming sessions & considerate discussions, the course has been designed to allow people to get into any IT projects and give a kick start to their career.

Job Assistance Program: Everyone wants to hustle in this generation for a job and the dream work they want. Data Analytics Classes in Pune at Ethan’s help you to get into the IT industry as they have a collaboration with various top-notch organizations that enables our students to get into their domains and the preferred industry. Also, Ethans groom you for the interviews and resume building that gives an edge of competitiveness to the students.

How Ethans provide the training?

The course is designed by industry mentors from various MNCs, after thoughtful discussion and a series of brainstorming sessions. It has been designed to finally enable individuals to comfortably work on any related IT projects. For this, apart from regular sessions, we mentor individuals in terms of building a strong visibility social profile with a good number of use cases and the same application code. We also encourage writing blogs and have self-placed sample projects to build a strong individual portfolio. We mentor in terms of technical discussion and the approach to present oneself better. We do have collaboration with multiple top-notch branches that helps our students in switching their domains and companies. We also arrange a resume building and grooming session for our students, which helps in boosting the credence, and of course, the students are added to our placements forum which helps him/her in getting access to multiple job references from our big pool of faculties and strong network and a technical discussion forum will be maintained in order to sort out your technical queries. Ethans Tech provides you with a course completion certificate post-assessment of the projects assigned, which is a feather in one’s cap.


E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati advanced certification in Data Analytics

Syllabus for Advanced Certification in Data Analytics at Ethans + E&ICT Academy + IIT Guwahati

Introduction to Computer Programming (Python)

  • Programming Foundation Concepts: Basic Terminology, Data Types and Variables, Operators and Expressions, Control Structures, Functions and Procedures, Recursion, Basic Algorithms
  • Object-Oriented Concepts: Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Method Overriding, Constructor and Destructor
  • Getting Started with Python: History of Python, Python Features, Python 2 vs Python 3, Installing Python, Running Python Scripts, Python Syntax and Semantics, Python Development Environments
  • Python Installation and Setup: Python 3.X Installation Guide, Introduction to Anaconda Python, IDEs: Jupyter Notebook, PyCharm, and VS Code, Setting Up Virtual Environments, Package Management with pip and conda
  • Python Built-in Objects: Numbers (int, float, complex), Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Type Conversion
  • Control Flow in Python: Conditional Statements (if, elif, else), Looping Statements (for, while), Nested Loops, Loop Control Statements (break, continue, pass), Comprehensions (List, Dict, Set), Conditional Expressions
  • Functions in Python: User Defined Functions, Lambda Functions, Function Arguments (default, keyword, arbitrary), Return Statement, Recursion, Built-in Functions, Higher-Order Functions
  • String Handling in Python: String Creation and Operations, String Methods, String Formatting, Regular Expressions, String Slicing, Escape Characters, Unicode Strings
  • Data Structures in Python: List Operations and Methods, Dictionary Operations and Methods, Set Operations and Methods, Tuple Operations and Methods, Working with Stacks and Queues, Comprehensions, Collections Module
  • File Handling in Python: Reading and Writing Files, File Methods, File Modes, Handling Binary Files, Working with CSV Files, Context Managers, File Path Operations
  • Python Libraries and Modules: Standard Library Overview, Commonly Used Libraries (os, sys, math, datetime), Importing Modules, Creating User Defined Modules, User Defined Packages, Working with, Packaging and Distribution (whl Packaging)
  • Advanced Python Concepts: Object Oriented Python, Exception Handling, Debugging Techniques, Iterators and Generators, Decorators, Context Managers, Metaprogramming
  • Database Interface with Python: Introduction to Databases, SQLite in Python, CRUD Operations, Connecting to Sqlite, Database Connection Pooling, Handling Transactions
  • Working with Data Formats: Introduction to JSON Data, Parsing JSON, Creating JSON, Working with XML, Using CSV Module, pickle Module for Serialization, YAML Format
  • Web Programming with Python: Requests Module, Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup, Using Scrapy for Advanced Scraping, Working with APIs
  • Numerical Computation with Numpy: Introduction to Numpy, Numpy Arrays, Array Indexing and Slicing, Array Operations, Broadcasting, Numpy Functions, Working with Matrices
  • Data Manipulation with Pandas: Introduction to Pandas, Series and DataFrame, Reading and Writing Data, Data Cleaning, Data Transformation, Merging and Joining, Data Aggregation
Introduction to RDBMS Database (SQL)
  • Introduction of RDBMS: Definition of RDBMS, Characteristics of RDBMS, Advantages of using RDBMS, Data Models in RDBMS, Keys in RDBMS (Primary Key, Foreign Key), RDBMS vs. NoSQL, Popular RDBMS Software
  • Installing and Using MySQL: System Requirements for MySQL, Downloading and Installing MySQL, Configuring MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench Overview, Connecting to MySQL Server, Basic MySQL Commands, MySQL User Management
  • Querying Single Table: SELECT Statement Basics, Filtering Data with WHERE Clause, Sorting Data with ORDER BY Clause, Using LIMIT to Restrict Rows, Aggregation Functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG), Grouping Data with GROUP BY, Handling NULL Values
  • Modifying Data and Table Structures: Inserting Data (INSERT INTO), Updating Data (UPDATE), Deleting Data (DELETE), Modifying Table Structure (ALTER TABLE), Dropping Tables and Databases, Adding and Removing Columns, Renaming Tables and Columns
  • Querying Multiple Tables: Introduction to Joins, Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Outer Join, Cross Join, Using Aliases for Table Names
  • Constraints of SQL: Primary Key Constraints, Foreign Key Constraints, Unique Constraints, Not Null Constraints, Check Constraints, Default Constraints, Enforcing Constraints in MySQL
  • Importing and Exporting Data: Importing Data from CSV Files, Exporting Data to CSV Files, Using MySQL Workbench for Import/Export, Using LOAD DATA INFILE, Using SELECT INTO OUTFILE, Data Formats for Import/Export, Handling Errors During Import/Export
  • Working With Expressions: Arithmetic Expressions, String Expressions, Date and Time Expressions, Logical Expressions, Conditional Expressions (CASE), Using Functions in Expressions, Combining Expressions
  • Database Normalization: Introduction to Normalization, First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form (2NF), Third Normal Form (3NF), Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), Advantages of Normalization, Denormalization
  • Grouping and Summarizing Data: Using GROUP BY Clause, Using HAVING Clause, Aggregate Functions (SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN), Counting Rows with COUNT, Grouping Sets and Rollup, Pivoting Data, Summarizing Data with Subqueries
  • Triggers & Cursor: Introduction to Triggers, Creating Triggers in MySQL, BEFORE and AFTER Triggers, Row-Level and Statement-Level Triggers, Managing Trigger Execution Order, Debugging Triggers, Use Cases for Triggers. Introduction to Cursors, Declaring Cursors in MySQL, Opening and Closing Cursors, Fetching Data with Cursors, Cursor Looping, Handling Exceptions in Cursors, Use Cases for Cursors
  • Functions: Built-in Functions in MySQL, String Functions (CONCAT, LENGTH), Numeric Functions (ROUND, CEIL), Date and Time Functions (NOW, DATE_ADD), Aggregate Functions (SUM, AVG), Creating User-Defined Functions, Using Functions in Queries
  • Designing and Creating a Database: Database Design Principles, Entity-Relationship (ER) Modeling, Creating ER Diagrams, Defining Tables and Relationships, Choosing Data Types, Setting Up Primary and Foreign Keys, Implementing Business Rules with Constraints
  • Exploring and Processing on Data: Data Exploration Techniques, Descriptive Statistics in SQL, Data Cleaning and Transformation, Data Integration from Multiple Sources, Using Subqueries for Data Processing, Analyzing Data Patterns, Using SQL for Data Reporting
  • Advanced Querying Techniques: Subqueries and Nested Queries, Common Table Expressions (CTEs), Window Functions, Recursive Queries, Dynamic SQL, Query Optimization Techniques, Advanced Join Operations.


Microsoft Excel

  • Introduction to Excel: Excel Interface Overview, Navigating the Ribbon, Understanding Worksheets and Workbooks, Creating and Saving Workbooks, Data Entry and Editing, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Excel File Formats
  • Basics of Excel: Basic Data Types (Numbers, Text, Dates), Basic Excel Operations (Copy, Cut, Paste), Autofill and Flash Fill, Sorting and Filtering Data, Basic Cell Formatting (Font, Color, Alignment), Using the Clipboard, Adjusting Column Width and Row Height
  • Excel Formula: Basic Arithmetic Formulas (SUM, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE), AutoSum Function, Cell References (Relative, Absolute, Mixed), Common Statistical Functions (AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MODE), Text Formulas (CONCATENATE, LEFT, RIGHT), Date Formulas (TODAY, NOW, DATE), Logical Formulas (IF, AND, OR)
  • Formula Based Formatting: Conditional Formatting Rules, Highlighting Cells Based on Values, Data Bars, Color Scales, and Icon Sets, Custom Conditional Formatting, Managing Conditional Formatting Rules, Using Formulas in Conditional Formatting, Applying Conditional Formatting to Pivot Tables
  • Conditional Statements & Logical Operators: IF Statements, Nested IF Statements, AND, OR Operators, NOT Operator, Combining Multiple Conditions, Using IF with Text, Numbers, and Dates, Conditional Formatting with Logical Operators
  • Text Functions: CONCATENATE (or CONCAT), LEFT, RIGHT, MID, LEN and TRIM, UPPER, LOWER, PROPER, SUBSTITUTE and REPLACE, FIND and SEARCH, TEXT Function for Formatting Numbers and Dates
  • Excel Tables: Creating and Formatting Excel Tables, Table Styles and Options, Sorting and Filtering Tables, Adding and Removing Table Rows/Columns, Structured References, Table Calculations and Totals, Converting Table to Range
  • Basic and Advanced Table Operations: Creating Dynamic Tables, Using Table Formulas, Advanced Filtering Techniques, Using Slicers with Tables, Advanced Sorting Techniques, Working with Subtotals, Merging and Splitting Tables
  • Data Pivoting with Different Examples: Creating PivotTables, PivotTable Fields and Areas, Grouping Data in PivotTables, PivotTable Calculations (Sum, Count, Average), Creating Pivot Charts, Filtering PivotTables with Slicers and Timelines, Advanced PivotTable Techniques (Calculated Fields, Custom Calculations)
  • Cell Reference Functions: Understanding Cell References, Using Relative References, Using Absolute References, Mixed References, INDIRECT Function, OFFSET Function, Linking Cells Between Sheets and Workbooks
  • LookUp and VLookUp: Introduction to LookUp Functions, VLOOKUP Basics, HLOOKUP Basics, Using VLOOKUP with Exact and Approximate Match, Combining VLOOKUP with Other Functions, Common VLOOKUP Errors and Fixes, Alternatives to VLOOKUP (INDEX and MATCH)
  • Excel Data Visualization: Creating Basic Charts (Column, Line, Pie), Customizing Chart Elements (Titles, Legends, Labels), Using Sparklines for Miniature Charts, Creating Combo Charts, Using Conditional Formatting for Data Visualization, Creating Heat Maps, Using Data Bars and Color Scales
  • Basic Charts in Excel: Creating Column Charts, Creating Line Charts, Creating Pie Charts, Creating Bar Charts, Creating Area Charts, Creating Scatter Plots, Customizing Chart Types and Styles
  • Formatting Charts: Adding and Formatting Chart Titles, Customizing Axes (Titles, Scales, Gridlines), Formatting Data Series (Colors, Styles), Adding Data Labels and Legends, Applying Chart Styles and Themes, Using Templates for Charts, Interactive Charts with Form Controls
  • Introduction to Power Query: What is Power Query?, Power Query Interface Overview, Loading Data into Power Query, Basic Data Transformation (Filter, Sort, Remove Columns), Combining Data from Multiple Sources, Data Profiling in Power Query, Saving and Loading Data to Excel
  • Creating Reports in Excel with Dataset: Data Preparation and Cleaning, Using PivotTables for Reports, Combining Multiple Data Sources, Adding Visual Elements (Charts, Sparklines), Creating Interactive Dashboards, Automating Report Updates, Distributing and Sharing Reports
  • VBA and Macros: Introduction to VBA and Macros, Recording and Running Macros, Editing Macro Code, VBA Basics (Variables, Loops, Conditionals), Writing Custom Functions, Automating Tasks with VBA, Debugging and Error Handling in VBA
  • Power Query Editor: Navigating the Power Query Editor, Applying Basic Transformations (Replace Values, Remove Duplicates), Advanced Transformations (Pivot/Unpivot, Group By), Creating Custom Columns, Merging Queries, Appending Queries, Managing Query Steps


Power BI Tools

  • Introduction to Power BI: Overview of Power BI and its components, Power BI service vs. Power BI Desktop, Benefits of using Power BI for data analytics, Key features and capabilities of Power BI, Understanding the Power BI ecosystem, User interface and navigation, Basic concepts and terminology in Power BI
  • Installation of Power BI Desktop: System requirements for Power BI Desktop, Step-by-step installation guide, Initial setup and configuration, Updating Power BI Desktop, Troubleshooting common installation issues, Licensing and subscription options, Importing sample datasets for practice
  • Connecting Power BI with Other Sources: Supported data sources in Power BI, Connecting to databases, cloud services, and files, Data import methods and best practices, Managing data connections, Data refresh and scheduling, Handling data privacy and security, Using Power BI gateways
  • Basic Visualization in Power BI: Types of visualizations available in Power BI, Creating basic charts and graphs, Customizing visualizations (colors, labels, titles), Using slicers and filters, Creating and managing dashboards, Adding interactivity to visualizations, Publishing and sharing reports
  • Formatting Techniques in Power BI: Customizing themes and templates, Conditional formatting in tables and charts, Using data labels and tooltips, Applying custom visuals and shapes, Enhancing report aesthetics with backgrounds and images, Formatting numbers, dates, and text, Best practices for report layout and design
  • Advanced Visualization in Power BI: Using advanced chart types (waterfall, funnel, gauge), Creating and using bookmarks, Implementing drill-through functionality, Using custom visuals from the marketplace, Creating dynamic visualizations with DAX, Advanced interactivity techniques, Combining multiple visualizations in a single report.
  • Introduction to Power Query: Overview of Power Query and its interface, Connecting to various data sources, Understanding the M language, Basic data import and transformation, Using the query editor for data preparation, Managing and combining queries, Best practices for efficient data queries


Tableau Tools

  • Tableau Basics: Introduction to Tableau and its components, Tableau Desktop vs. Tableau Public, Key features and benefits of Tableau, Understanding the Tableau interface, Basic concepts and terminology in Tableau, Connecting to data sources, Creating your first visualization
  • Design Features: Overview of Tableau design principles, Customizing visualizations (colors, labels, titles), Using shapes and images in dashboards, Applying themes and templates, Formatting numbers, dates, and text, Enhancing aesthetics with backgrounds and borders, Best practices for dashboard design
  • Time Series Analysis: Understanding time series data, Creating time series visualizations, Using date functions in Tableau, Time series forecasting, Analyzing trends and seasonality, Implementing moving averages and running totals, Comparing time periods
  • Aggregation and Granularity: Understanding aggregation in Tableau, Adjusting granularity of data, Using calculated fields for aggregation, Aggregating data in visualizations, Customizing aggregation settings, Drilling down and rolling up data, Aggregation best practices
  • Filters: Types of filters in Tableau, Applying filters to visualizations, Using quick filters and filter actions, Creating dynamic and cascading filters, Managing filter hierarchies, Filter optimization techniques, Best practices for using filters
  • Maps and Scatter Plots: Creating and customizing maps, Using geographic data in Tableau, Implementing map layers and controls, Creating scatter plots and bubble charts, Analyzing data with scatter plots, Adding interactivity to maps and scatter plots, Combining maps with other visualizations
  • Joining and Union: Understanding joins and unions in Tableau, Types of joins (inner, left, right, full), Performing data joins in Tableau, Using unions to combine datasets, Managing data relationships, Handling data blending, Best practices for joins and unions


Alteryx Tools

  • Introduction to Alteryx: Overview of Alteryx, Key Features and Benefits, Use Cases and Applications, Comparison with Other Data Analytics Tools, Alteryx Designer Interface, Licensing and Pricing, Alteryx Community and Resources
  • Installation of Alteryx: System Requirements, Step-by-Step Installation Guide,Post-Installation Configuration, Licensing and Activation, Troubleshooting Common Installation Issues, Updating Alteryx, Uninstalling Alteryx
  • In/Out Tools: Input Data Tool, Output Data Tool, Directory Tool, Text Input Tool, Download Tool, SharePoint Input Tool, Blob Input Tool
  • Preparation Tools: Data Cleansing Tool, Filter Tool, Select Tool, Sort Tool, Sample Tool, Unique Tool, Generate Rows Tool
  • Join Tools: Join Tool, Union Tool, Find Replace Tool, Append Fields Tool, Make Group Tool, Fuzzy Match Tool, Spatial Match Tool
  • Transform Tools: Cross Tab Tool, Transpose Tool, Formula Tool, Multi-Field Formula Tool, Running Total Tool, Tile Tool, Imputation Tool
  • Reporting Tools: Table Tool, Charting Tool, Layout Tool, Render Tool, Report Map Tool, Text Box Tool, Email Tool
  • Documentation Tools: Comment Tool, Tool Container, Block Until Done Tool, Message Tool, Summarize Tool, Tool Annotation, Metadata Output Tool
  • In-Database Tools: Connect In-DB Tool, Data Stream In Tool, Filter In-DB Tool, Formula In-DB Tool, Join In-DB Tool, Summarize In-DB Tool, Write Data In-DB Tool
  • Full Workflow: Designing a Workflow, Best Practices for Workflow Management, Debugging and Error Handling, Workflow Automation, Performance Optimization, Sharing and Collaboration, Real-world Workflow Examples


R Programming

  • Introduction to the R Language: History of R, Applications of R, Comparison with Other Programming Languages, R Community and Ecosystem, R Packages and Libraries, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for R, Future of R Language
  • Features of R: Data Handling Capabilities, Statistical Analysis Features, Graphical Capabilities, Extensibility, Open Source Nature, Integration with Other Languages and Tools, Comprehensive Package Repository (CRAN)
  • Download and Install R: System Requirements, Downloading R from CRAN, Installing R on Windows, Installing R on MacOS, Installing R on Linux, Setting Up RStudio IDE, Verifying Installation
  • Basic Syntax of R: Writing R Scripts, R Console Operations, Basic Commands and Functions, Comments in R, Working with R Scripts and R Markdown, Code Indentation and Formatting, Common Errors and Debugging
  • Variables in R: Variable Assignment, Variable Naming Conventions, Types of Variables, Scope of Variables, Constants in R, Using the ‘assign’ Function, Removing Variables
  • Data Types in R: Numeric Data Type, Integer Data Type, Complex Data Type, Character Data Type, Logical Data Type, Factors, Coercion and Conversion between Data Types
  • Operators in R: Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, Miscellaneous Operators, Operator Precedence, Using Operators with Different Data Types
  • Control Statements in R: if Statement, if-else Statement, else-if Ladder, switch Statement, break Statement, next Statement, return Statement
  • Loops in R Programming: for Loop, while Loop, repeat Loop, Nested Loops, Loop Control Statements, Applying Functions with Loops, Performance Considerations with Loops
  • Data Structures in R Language: Vectors, Lists, Matrices, Arrays, Data Frames, Factors, Working with Complex Data Structures
  • Arrays and Vectors in R: Creating Arrays, Accessing Array Elements, Modifying Arrays, Creating Vectors, Accessing Vector Elements, Vectorized Operations, Applying Functions to Arrays and Vectors
  • DataFrames in R: Creating DataFrames, Accessing DataFrame Elements, Modifying DataFrames, Merging DataFrames, Reshaping DataFrames, DataFrame Functions, Handling Missing Data in DataFrames
  • R Graphics/Visualization: Base Graphics in R, ggplot2 Package, Lattice Graphics, Creating Various Types of Plots (Histogram, Boxplot, Scatter Plot, etc.), Customizing Plots, Interactive Visualizations, Saving and Exporting Plots
  • R Statistics Introduction: Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation and Regression Analysis, ANOVA, Time Series Analysis, Multivariate Analysis
  • R Data Sets: Built-in Data Sets in R, Importing Data from Various Sources (CSV, Excel, SQL, etc.), Cleaning and Preprocessing Data, Manipulating Data Sets, Exporting Data, Working with Large Data Sets, Data Set Packages (dplyr, data.table, etc.)


Classroom Sessions

Ethans Pune provides highly professional and advanced training tailored to industry needs, with a strong emphasis on practical and project-based learning. Our program features interactive sessions with individual attention, online doubt-clearing sessions, and access to recorded backup sessions. Additionally, students benefit from a dedicated forum for addressing doubts and questions.

LMS (Learning Management System)

We offer free supplementary courses to enhance your learning and grasp the cross-functional demands of the industry. You will also have access to recorded sessions from your ongoing classes, along with study materials including assignments, projects, and POCs to guide you through your current modules.

Quiz, Assignments & POC's

Each course includes quizzes, hands-on assignments, and interview preparation tailored to each topic and module. Trainers provide assignments based on students' skill levels and project requirements, with an estimated duration of about an hour per day. These assignments focus on real-world company projects to ensure practical experience. Additionally, complementary study material is provided with every course.

E&ICT, IIT Guwahati Certification

We are affiliated with E&ICT, IIT Guwahati, and offer certifications recognized by top companies. These certifications are awarded based on assessments by industry experts, enhancing the value of your curriculum vitae and giving you an edge in your profile. Boost the weight of your resume by obtaining a course completion certificate upon successful completion of the course and projects from E&ICT, IIT Guwahati.

Real-life Case Studies

Ethans offers a range of real-time projects with practical use cases, allowing students to gain hands-on experience. This approach helps students grasp business requirements, perform detailed analysis, and tackle challenges associated with real-time implementation. By working on these projects, students not only understand theoretical concepts but also apply them in real-world scenarios.

Job Assistance Program

Upon successfully completing a course with Ethans, you may become eligible for our job assistance program. This program includes help with crafting a standout resume and optimizing online profiles to attract job opportunities. Additionally, our extensive alumni network of over 5,000 members actively shares job openings. More than 3,000 freshers and professionals have secured positions in top companies across India.

Advanced Certification in Data Analytics FAQs

What are the prerequisites for Data Analytics Training in Pune?

The basic requirement for learning a Data Analytics course is Programming language, Data Structures and algorithms, and Mathematics

Who should learn Data Analytics Course in Pune?

Data Analytics Training is open to all students. As per our teaching experience teaching students from non-IT backgrounds can also learn this technology. Students in a class are mixed from 1 year of experience to 24 years of working experience. Even CA, CS, BCom, and Share Brokers, learning this skill for implementing the same into day-to-day activities. It’s the finest kick-off for the freshers and icing on the cake, for others.

What if I have queries after I complete this course?

You will have access to the technical discussion forum lifetime, which will help you in resolving most of your doubts and queries. Eventually, you can connect with your respective faculty directly, else reach out to the nearest Ethans help desk for further assistance.

Who are the instructors?

Our faculties are all extensively experienced IT Industry experts and real time corporate trainers from renowned MNC’s with marvelous knowledge in the subject matter. In addition to their standard duties of imparting knowledge, faculties also undertake consulting assignments for leading Indian and Multinational Companies that gives practical exposure based on real time scenarios from their world of experience. Ethanians that upskill are able to vividly recall classes even after years. Such is the impact of our remarkable trainers on the students.

Will Ethans be providing any study materials?

Yes, Ofcourse. You will be provided with both, hard copies of the study material upon enrollment and soft copies will be shared by the respective faculties over the cloud during the program.

What types of courses are available at Ethans?

Ethans is a Market leader in Cloud, Automation and Analytics (such as Python, Data Science – Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AWS, Azure, GCP, DevOps, Hadoop, Selenium, Robotics Process Automation, etc.) helps working professionals and freshers in enhancing skills in multiple technologies as per the market demand.

Does Ethans provide Job Assistance?

Yes. Ethans being one of the top notch institutes, has a wide network in the market. We do have collaboration with multiple companies that helped 3000+ freshers to get place and working professionals to switch their domains in top companies across India. On course completion, one becomes eligible for the placement assistance.

Does Ethans provide weekend classes for professionals?

There are multiple institutes which are providing software training courses, but only Ethans offers professional training on various demanding technologies with flexible timings over the weekdays as well as on weekends depending on the requirements of working professionals.

What are the profiles and experiences of trainers at Ethans?

We have a big pool with a strong and renowned team of professionals having extensive expertise in the technology they deliver. Our trainers are quite supportive and render an amicable learning environment which invigorates the student’s growth in an optimistic way. They are all with huge industry and teaching experiences. Some of them hold more than two decades of experience of the same industry.

Do I need to pay the complete fee lump sum or I can have an installment facility too?

We offer flexible payment options, including lump sum and EMI installments. Through our partnership with Bajaj Finance, you can opt for EMI payments at no extra cost. Although paying in full is preferred, we also provide the option to split the payment into six installments with bajaj. The first installment of 25% is due at the time of registration, with subsequent installments starting from the following month.

The fee which I will pay is refundable or transferable?

Cancellation by Student:

  • Before Batch Commencement: Students may cancel their enrollment up to 7 days before the batch commencement date for a refund, minus a processing fee of 20% of the total course fee against the administrative charges.

  • After Batch Commencement: Refunds will not be provided once the batch has commenced. If a student decides to withdraw after the start of the course, no refund will be issued, though they may be eligible for a partial refund based on the medical circumstances and timing of the withdrawal.


Cancellation by Ethans Tech:

  • Program Cancellation: In the rare event that Ethans Tech cancels a program before it starts, students will receive a full refund of the course fee or may opt to transfer to another program of their choice, subject to availability.

  • Class Rescheduling: If individual classes are rescheduled, students will be notified in advance and no refund will be issued. Rescheduled classes will be conducted at a time mutually agreed upon.

Refund Process:

  • To request a refund, students must submit a written request to the Ethans Tech accounts team, detailing the reason for cancellation and any relevant information.

  • Refunds will be processed within 15 business days of receiving the cancellation request. The amount will be credited to the original payment method.


Special Circumstances:

  • Refund requests due to special circumstances (e.g., medical emergencies, unforeseen events) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Supporting documentation may be required for consideration.


Batch Change Charges:

  • Students wishing to change their batch after enrollment will incur a batch change fee of ₹5,000. This fee covers administrative costs associated with the change. Certification Delay: Please note that changing batches may result in a delay in certification, as it will depend on the schedule of the new batch. Students should consider this potential delay when requesting a batch change.


This policy ensures clarity and fairness in managing cancellations and refunds, and aims to accommodate both student needs and institutional requirements

What are the facilities and infrastructure at Ethans?

Ethans has a presence at four locations in Pune: Wakad, Hinjewadi, Kharadi, and Baner. However, the advanced certification program in Data Science and AI is available exclusively at our Wakad location. We look forward to gradually expanding across India with your support. Ethans is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure that fosters a pleasant, academically rigorous, and stimulating environment for both students and faculty.

Does Ethans provide facility to repeat the batch?

Upon enrollment at Ethans Tech, you receive a flexi pass that allows for a one-year re-joining option at the same branch and with the same trainer for an administrative charge of ₹5,000. Additionally, we provide online recorded sessions as backups. If you wish to change branches or courses, it is possible with nominal charges, subject to the institute’s norms and regulations.

Does Ethans provide Institutional Certification after the course?

We are affiliated with E&ICT, IIT Guwahati, and offer certifications recognized by top companies. These certifications are awarded based on assessments by industry experts, enhancing the value of your curriculum vitae and giving you an edge in your profile. Boost the weight of your resume by obtaining a course completion certificate upon successful completion of the course and projects from E&ICT, IIT Guwahati. ​

Does Ethan's conduct training at Corporates?

Yes, as a market leader, we frequently engage in corporate training, leveraging our extensive network of corporate trainers and collaborations with several top MNCs. This strong industry connection provides valuable references and ultimately enhances placement opportunities for our students.

What is the admission procedure at Ethans?

There are two ways to register with Ethans Tech: online and offline.

Online Registration: Visit the enrollment tab on our website – – which will redirect you to the enrollment form. Fill in your essential details and proceed by paying ₹5,000 as the registration fee (which includes your standard course fees).

Offline Registration: You can contact and visit any of our nearest Ethans branches to complete the registration process with the assistance of our team at the Ethans Desk.

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We are a team of 10+ Years of Industry Experienced Trainers, who conduct the training with real-time scenarios. The Global Certified Trainers are Excellent in knowledge and highly professionals. The Trainers follow the Project-Based Learning Method in the Interactive sessions.

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Our Testimonials

Hi, it was a great and quality experience to upskill in Python with Ethans Tech. The program is well-designed, and the trainer was highly experienced, presenting concepts clearly with real-time scenarios. The admin team is very helpful and always available for any coding or software assistance. The comprehensive support and practical approach make Ethans Tech stand out. I highly recommend Ethans Tech for anyone looking to enhance their skills. They ensure that every student understands each topic clearly and are always ready to help.

    Renuka Gudela Palteru
    Renuka Gudela Palteru

    Sr. Team Manager at Gallagher

    The courses at Ethans Tech are premium and well-structured. The instructors are always available to clear queries and provide prompt support whenever issues arise. An added bonus is the access to software, study materials, and certification for each course you enroll in. I've taken multiple courses here, and each one has been excellent. The quality and consistency are impressive every time I enroll. I highly recommend Ethans Tech and appreciate their outstanding service. Love these guys—salute to their dedication!

      Upender Negi
      Upender Negi

      Network Design Specialist at BT, UK

      The training is marvelous, and we are about to start a POC that will help us implement real-time scenarios. Overall, the sessions are good and interactive. Thanks for organizing all the classes. I am immensely satisfied with the course content, which includes pre-recorded classes and eight months of post-class assistance from experts. I highly recommend Ethans Tech for its exceptional corporate learning and training in cutting-edge technologies, tools, and languages. It’s truly the best institute for professional growth.

        Priyanka Tomar
        Priyanka Tomar

        Consultant at Credit Suisse

        I am a final-year college student with a keen interest in Cloud Technology. In February 2020, I joined the Amazon courses training program at Ethans. This program provided me with 100% practical hands-on training, covering programming languages, Big Data Hadoop, AWS, Azure, and SQL Database. The comprehensive training prepared me well for internships and job opportunities. The instructors were knowledgeable, and the curriculum was highly relevant to industry needs. Ethans is truly one of the best institutes for acquiring essential skills

          Gayatri Soni
          Gayatri Soni

          Intern at Ethans Tech

          The classroom sessions were delightful and engaging. While I don't have a strong command of Linux and Python, which made me feel like I was lagging behind at times, the overall learning experience was superior. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, making complex topics easier to understand. The hands-on projects and practical examples were particularly beneficial. Despite my initial challenges, I gained valuable insights and skills. With more proficiency in those languages, the learning experience is wonderful.

            Md Ashraf Khan
            Md Ashraf Khan

            Technical Service Engineer Expert, Fujitsu

            It was a great learning experience at Ethans Tech. The teaching skills are pitched perfectly, and the trainers are well-experienced and motivational. They ensure that every student understands each topic clearly and are always ready to help. This dedication to student success is what sets them apart. Thanks a bunch, Ethans, for developing my interest in coding. I highly recommend Ethans Tech for anyone looking to enhance their skills. Overall, a fantastic learning experience! I am immensely satisfied with the course content

              Anhadpreet Singh
              Anhadpreet Singh

              Student at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana

              Ethans in Media

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